

Search Results Summary


Santa Monica History Museum

The Santa Monica Historical Society was founded in 1975 as part of the city’s centennial celebration with the mission of collecting and preserving the history, art and culture of the Santa Monica Bay Area. In 1988, a Museum was established to house the Society’s growing collections of artifacts, documents, rare books, newspapers, textiles, artwork, and photographic images. Currently, the Museum’s…

La Senora Research Institute

Films, Recordings, Book Archives include the works of * Jose Mojica, Mexican opera star;" The Valentino of Latin Films". * Anita Loos and Mary Anita Loos Sale - Films, scripts, Books * Lyle Wheeler - Films * Leo Carillo - Films * Dolores Del Rio - Films The work/study program Interns from UCLA/LMU and Mt. St. Mary's have resulted in an LSRI program to acquire copies of works of the 1930's of…

Shelley Gazin Archive

Cross-section of Los Angeles' urban population, immigration and events including portraits of creative pofessionals, entrepreneurs, scientists, political and religious leaders,.

Southern California Genealogical Society

The SCGS Library holds nearly 40,000 volumes, with a relatively small portion of the material related to LA. We have published indices to cemetery records, vital (birth, death and marriage) records, and immigration and naturalization. We provide free access to some data on our website. The Society is in the midst of a project to recreate the 1890 Census for Los Angeles County. The census records…

The Salvation Army Museum of the West

The Salvation Army Museum of the West houses materials of the Western Territory of the Salvation Army. The Southern California Division is headquartered in Los Angeles proper but services all of Southern California, including Salvation Army churches, Adult Rehabilitation Centers, shelters, and other programs run by The Salvation Army. The collection chronicles the developments and changes of The…

Tom & Ethel Bradley Center, Oviatt Library, CSU Northridge

The Tom & Ethel Bradley Center (formerly known as the Institute for Arts & Media) archives contain over one million images from Los Angeles based freelance and independent photographers between the 1930s to the present. Approximately 80% of the collection is comprised of African American photographers in and near Los Angeles. The Bradley Center is the only repository for photographs before…

Topanga Historical Society

The Topanga Historical Society (THS) was organized in 1974 by a group of dedicated community leaders who recognized the urgent need to collect and preserve records of Topanga’s unique history and to make them available to future generations. The Society maintains an Archive Center and presents quarterly local history programs.

UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive

Though the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive has traditionally focused on collecting musics outside of Los Angeles, in recent years the Archive has developed a significant collection of LA-based materials. These materials include the following: AFAMILA - Archiving Filipino American Music in Los Angeles: includes commercial and non-commercial recordings of LA based FilAm artists. Donn Borcherdt…

University of California, Los Angeles, Chicano Studies Research Center Library and Archive

Established in 1969, the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC) Library and Archive was the first library of its kind and is now the only freestanding Chicano studies library in the United States. It provides information resources, reference services, and bibliographic instruction for those seeking information on the Chicano experience. The library makes its holdings accessible to users from…

University of California, Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library

The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library is a rare books and manuscripts collection, with particular strengths in English literature and history (1641–1800), Oscar Wilde, and fine printing. Though the majority of the Clark's collections are focused on Great Britain, the library still maintains significant Los Angeles-related collections.