

Search Results Summary


Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park

The Museum exhibits American Indian cultural materials, primarily focused on cultures of the Southwestern, Great Basin and Californian culture regions, which were connected by a major trade route from circa 4,000 BP. One of the largest collections is from the California coast and Channel Islands. Seven thousand artifacts are represented, ranging in age from 8-9,000 BP to ethnographic/historic…

California State Library

The California State Library, comprising sections including California History, Information Services, Government Publications, and the Witkin Law Library in Sacramento and the Sutro Library in San Francisco, holds a wide variety of materials relating to the history of Los Angeles, including manuscripts, rare books, maps, photographs and other visual resources, ephemera, vertical files, and…

California State University, Northridge, University Library, Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections & Archives is the home of CSUN's rare book and periodical collections, as well as its archival and manuscript collections. In Special Collections & Archives users can perform research, engage in classes using primary sources, or view exhibitions. Our collections are made available to researchers in a supervised reading room. We welcome users, and ask for understanding…

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area archives documents this park unit of the National Park Service.  The digital archives contain materials from individuals and organizations connected to the recreation area such as environmentalist Margot Feuer, Chumash Chief Charlie Cooke, scientist Margaret Stassforth, the Mountain Conservancy Foundation, and the Friends of…

University of California, Irvine Libraries Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections and Archives houses the UC Irvine Libraries' collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, photographs, and other rare and special materials. Major collections include the Critical Theory Archive, the Southeast Asian Archive, and the University Archives, as well as in-depth collections on Orange County and California history, dance and performing arts, 20th-century…

University of California, Santa Barbara, University Art Museum, Architecture and Design Collection

UCSB professor David Gebhard (1927-1996) founded the Architecture and Design Collection in 1963. Today it is one of the largest architectural archives in North America with more than 1,000,000 drawings, as well as papers, photographs, scrapbooks, models, decorative objects, and furniture. The focus of the collection is the design and architecture of southern California from the late 19th through…

Yosemite National Park Archive

The Yosemite Archives contain historical records and manuscripts related to Yosemite's history, including the donated papers of ethnographers and scientists, resource management records, historic park administrative records, and slide, photo, and film collections.