


The Jonathan Heritage Foundation Archives, The Jonathan Club

The collection consists of records and artifacts pertaining to the history of The Jonathan Club, a social club founded in Los Angeles in 1896 and currently serving 4,000 members. Included are thousands of photographs of members and member events, a full run of the Jonathan Magazine (1931-present), some early rosters and registers of Club activities, and realia from various club headquarters and…

The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers and Native Plants, Inc.

The collection is currently being evaluated to determine content and needs for curation and as such is not yet available to the public.

Topanga Historical Society

The Topanga Historical Society (THS) was organized in 1974 by a group of dedicated community leaders who recognized the urgent need to collect and preserve records of Topanga’s unique history and to make them available to future generations. The Society maintains an Archive Center and presents quarterly local history programs.

University of California, Irvine Libraries Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections and Archives houses the UC Irvine Libraries' collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, photographs, and other rare and special materials. Major collections include the Critical Theory Archive, the Southeast Asian Archive, and the University Archives, as well as in-depth collections on Orange County and California history, dance and performing arts, 20th-century…