


San Fernando Valley Historical Society

To share and make known the organization's significant archive and collections of San Fernando Valley history. SFVHS serves as caretaker of the Andres Pico Adobe historic site in Mission Hills as well as the Pioneer Cemetery in Sylmar.

Santa Monica History Museum

The Santa Monica Historical Society was founded in 1975 as part of the city’s centennial celebration with the mission of collecting and preserving the history, art and culture of the Santa Monica Bay Area. In 1988, a Museum was established to house the Society’s growing collections of artifacts, documents, rare books, newspapers, textiles, artwork, and photographic images. Currently, the Museum’s…

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area archives documents this park unit of the National Park Service.  The digital archives contain materials from individuals and organizations connected to the recreation area such as environmentalist Margot Feuer, Chumash Chief Charlie Cooke, scientist Margaret Stassforth, the Mountain Conservancy Foundation, and the Friends of…

Sierra Madre Historical Archives

The Sierra Madre Historical Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to a variety of materials that tell the Sierra Madre story: photographs, slides, postcards, scrapbooks, city directories, maps, letters, periodicals, posters, works of art, sound recordings, moving images, and ephemera. The archives collection includes the Sierra Madre Oral History Project in which residents describe…

Southern California Genealogical Society

The SCGS Library holds nearly 40,000 volumes, with a relatively small portion of the material related to LA. We have published indices to cemetery records, vital (birth, death and marriage) records, and immigration and naturalization. We provide free access to some data on our website. The Society is in the midst of a project to recreate the 1890 Census for Los Angeles County. The census records…

Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research

The Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research primarily documents and preserves the history of twentieth-century radicalism and social change through progressive movements in the greater Los Angeles area. The materials held by the library relate to the labor, peace, social justice, civil rights, women’s, gay and lesbian, and various other grassroots movements.