


Bison Archives

Historical photographs and information on the history of Los Angeles and the Southern California area. Archive specializes in the history of the television and motion picture industry (studios) in the U.S. and Los Angeles specifically.Archive also has in it architectural history of the Los Angeles area as well.

Black Surfing Association

Photographs that reflect the tradition that African Americans in Los Angeles have with the Pacific Ocean.

Immanuel Presbyterian Church

Immanuel Presbyterian Church has corporate minutes; organizational records of governing bodies, committees, and other subgroups; and membership records. In the church's library are publications dealing with the history of the church, which is over one hundred years old and was known as a leader in the neighborhood, the city, and the Presbyterian community during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.…

Irene Fertik

Irene Fertik is a community artist, teacher, and photographer whose work has appeared in a variety of newspapers, magazines, and books. Her collection of photographs contains images of New York City in the decade from 1967 to 1977 (Black construction workers of all trades, Black theater, Black dance, jazz, civil rights activities, other aspects of Black life and culture), Israel, (kibbutz life,…

I Am Los Angeles

Joris Debeij is the creator of I Am Los Angeles ( -- a website project containing video portaits that capture some of L.A.'s most interesting and creative residents. In the words of Good Magazine writer Alissa Walker: "For each portrait, Debeij succeeds in capturing both how a single person can make a difference within the context of a sprawling city, and how each voice is a…