


University of Southern California, Digital Library

The Digital Library of the University of Southern California (formerly known as the Digital Archive, formerly known as ISLA) is an ongoing project that is building a virtual library of digitized multidisciplinary materials much of which has a focus on the Los Angeles region. Its search and retrieval software will allows these materials to be accessed using the parameters of space, time, keyword,…

USC University Archives

The University of Southern California (USC) University Archives is the repository for the records of enduring value officially made or received by the University of Southern California, and for other materials of historical value related to the functions of the University. The University Archives includes material documenting the history and growth of the University of Southern California.

Whittier College Special Collections

Whittier College's Special Collections includes seven main collections: the Quaker Collection, the John Greenleaf Whittier Collection, the Lola Hoffman Collection, the Case Collection, the College Archives, the Richard M. Nixon Collection, and the Jessamyn West Collection. Although access to Wardman Library as a whole is currently restricted to those who are affiliated with the library, the…

Woodbury University

Print & photo archives from costume designer Howard Greer Original gowns and garments by Los Angeles designers: James Galanos, Rudi Gernreich, Irene Saltern, Edith Head, and Gilbert Adrian.