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Educational Communications
Educational Communications
P.O. Box 351419
Los Angeles, CA. 90035
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Established in 1958, Educational Communications is dedicated to improving the quality of life on this planet by creating greater awareness of environmental issues. Educational Communications currently holds 600 ECONEWS shows, an Emmy-nominated weekly television series airing on cable and PBS stations and the internet (Youtube); 2200 Environmental Directions radio shows, original audio recordings of the Environmental Directions international radio series, a half-hour interview show that airs on public, commercial, and listener-sponsored, in the United States and worldwide on the internet; two hundred original audio recordings of the Environmental Viewpoints radio series, a magazine-style program that provides news and information, including a calendar of events, music, interviews, and special conference coverage; and sixty original audio recordings of the one-hour shows in the Planet Health radio series. It has 45 years of The Compendium Newsletter (six issues per year; 270 editions). In addition to archival materials for Project Ecotourism, Educational Communications holds papers, letters, photographs, and other materials documenting over fifty years of ecoactivism by the Ecology Center of Southern California and sixty years for Educational Communications including the Oscar-nomination plaque for a documentary. Among the organization's Southern California memorabilia are records, correspondence, photographs, newsletters, and brochures related to the Ecology Center's first Earth Day, which occurred in 1970. The collection also covers the activities of environmental activists in the area. The Environmental Resources Library has over 2000 autographed books about the environment. Other projects include Humanity and the Planet which donates educational supplies and books to groups around the world, and Earth Cultures which presents ethnic folk dance performances and has a collection of dance videos and music. The facility in Idyllwild, California, is now on the National Registry of Historic Places and is available for photo shoots, retreats, meetings, and public visits.