Contact Information

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library
333 South La Cienega Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA. 90211
Access and Management
Special Collections and Photograph Archive materials are seen by appointment only. Researchers interested in those collections should contact the library in advance to arrange access. All patrons must obtain a library user card, and need a valid photo ID. Special Collections and Photograph Archive Collections researchers are required to complete additional paperwork.
The Margaret Herrick Library collects a wide range of materials documenting film as both an art form and an industry. Its holdings include photographs, posters, books, periodicals, screenplays, oral histories, and extensive clippings files on people, films, and companies. The clippings files are organized under five headings: production, biography, general subject, festivals and awards, and Academy history. The general subject files contain clippings and photographs regarding aspects of Los Angeles such as homes, studios, motion picture theaters, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, Los Angeles as a location, educational and cultural institutions, theme parks, and landmarks; labor disputes and the formation of industry-related unions and guilds are also extensively documented in the general subject files. The Academy history files provide coverage of that very Los Angeles-based activity—the Academy Awards. The library's Special Collections contain materials relating to the careers of numerous directors, producers, actors, and other craftspeople and their filmmaking work in Los Angeles. Dating from the early 1900s to the present, the materials in Special Collections include scripts in various drafts, personal and business correspondence, production memoranda, sketches, clippings, music scores, recordings, scrapbooks, artifacts, and photographs.