General meeting – 2-14-17
Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden - Arcadia
Attendees: Wally Shidler, Florante Ibanez, Katie Richardson, Holli Teltoe, Lauren Zuchowski Longwell, Deborah Homes-Wong, Sue Luftschein, Mallory Furnier, Giao Luong Baker, Michele Welsing, Becky Fenning Marschall, Edward D. Sumcad, Jim Beardsley, Susan MacAdams, Tom Savio, Jenifer Palmer-Lacy, Phillis Hansen, Natalya Pashkova, Jenniffer Woodson, Lisa Cahan Davis, Lee Davis, Kathy Lo, Liza Posas, David Boulé
Welcome to the Arboretum by Edward Sumcad. Tour of library following meeting. Complimentary admission to garden.
Grants Update – Liza Posas
- National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)
- Digitization – Focus on migration to Los Angeles
- Use LAAS to digitize selection of items from members.
- A draft-form questionnaire was sent to LAAS members to determine who might want to participate, size of relevant collections, expertise level.
- Dozens of small and large organizations initially volunteered
- Application: Five page narrative, plus budget
- Notification in April if proposal has made the second round of consideration
- Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) might be another grant source
- California Humanities
- History Keepers – in conjunction with California State Historical Society (Jessica Hough – lead)
- Two years funding of History Keepers exhibit, adding a video component to allow more LAAS members to participate
- Funds in April/May
History Keepers exhibit
- Will take place again this year (!)
- Have been able to arrange for exhibit to run for six weeks (generally three weeks is the maximum allowed)
- Hope to include programming this year
- Considering a theme (like last year’s “Traversing Los Angeles”)
- Suggestion (from Wally Shidler): “Entertaining Los Angeles” – could include sports, museums, entertainment industry, beaches/mountains/desert, parks, amusement parks, and more
- Advisory Committee – Volunteers wanted! Please contact Liza Posas ( )
- Launched the “Lost L.A.” series with KCET
- Another successful Archives Bazaar
- Incorporated “National History Day” participation, aimed at junior and senior high students
- 2nd History Keepers exhibit
- 3,000 visitors over three weeks
- New LAAS website
LAAS Executive Committee elections
- Four members of the Ex. Comm. step down in August
- PLEASE CONSIDER RUNNING, or nominating someone
- Elections open two weeks before the June meeting, but the selection process is underway now
- The Committee is made up of six members plus the Coordinator
- Serve two year term
- One mtg. a month (General and Ex. Comm. meetings)
Archives Bazaar
- First Planning Meeting:
- Monday, March 20, 10-Noon
- USC Doheny Library – East Asian Seminar Room (DML 110C)
- Please contact Liza if you’re driving and need parking –
- Lee Davis/SF Valley Historical Society volunteered to help with videoing, and posting on YouTube
- Neal Bethke volunteered to help with programing and publicity
Collaborations – Matching Members with Resources
- LAAS membership includes archives from single collectors to globally-known institutions. Discussion was held to solicit ideas on how to encourage interaction and support among LAAS members
- Establish an “Outreach Committee” to define and execute programs
- “Block Parties” – continue in pattern of one held in SFV by Holli Teltoe. Holli is writing draft of a “play book” on how to organize these informal, regional gatherings
LAAS “Meetings and Events” can always be found online at:
- Wednesday, APRIL 12, 2017 – 10-12:00
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library
- South La Cienega Boulevard, Beverly Hills
RSVP required and due by Friday, March 31. Please send RsVP to Liza Posas at
- PLEASE CONTACT LIZA POSAS if your organization can host a future LAAS meeting! 30-40 people, parking, refreshments. Thank you!
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Image: Illustation from the article "Arboretum administration building" by William S. Stewart in LASCA leaves, Winter 1956 issue. This issue of LASCA leaves, a Los Angeles Arboretum publication, was digitized retrieved from the Biodiveristy Heritage Library webiste,, March 13, 2017.