LAAS - June 13 General Membership Meeting

Jun 13 2023
Starts: 10:00 AM
Ends: 12:30 PM

Event Details

Image: © Pedaling for Votes, 1959, Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection, Los Angeles Public Library. *


  1. Standing items
    1. Approve April meeting notes 
    2. New members 
  2. July in-person meetup! Claremont Colleges Library
  3. California Revealed announcements for upcoming webinar, Digitization + Preservation Assistance program and Cataloging Assistance program
  4. New business
  5. Election results
  6. Special meeting event: Safeguarding L.A. Community Histories Mini-Symposium

The second half of the meeting will be a “mini-symposium” dedicated to the Safeguarding L.A. Community Histories workshop/webinar series produced by L.A. as Subject and funded by the California State Library. Joining us remotely for this event will be the workshop leaders and project team to lead discussions centering on the workshop topics of essential documents, collaborations & partnerships, climate change in the archives, and housing collections.

This part of the meeting will be from 11:00am-12:30pm (note special end time)

Links to the webinars to be posted on the L.A. as Subject website soon!

RSVP details:

The June 13 LAAS General Membership meeting will be held over Zoom. Please make sure to RSVP by Friday, June 9. A meeting link will be sent to those who RSVP the Monday before the meeting. Please click on the "RSVP Required" button above if you plan to attend.


RSVP Required